Life in Normalville

In Normalville, kids are considered kids.  They are expected to behave in appropriate settings, but they’re also not forced to restrain their natural impulses by having no free (in money and openness), unstructured space to run around in.  Since people expect children to be part of public space, they behave less poorly and parents aren’t struggling to placate them or plead with erratic behavior.  Kids also have a better sense of relative authority and respect more adult authority than just their parents.

In Normalville,  hobos are around and about in major downtowns, but they exercise restraint and limit panhandling to a short window of time during morning and evening commuter hours.  There are no tent cities, there is not a lot of screaming and attacks on locals and tourists.  In fact many of the hobos are completely calm going to the various services that nonprofits and the metros provide.

In Normalville, people chat idly and it’s ok.  They don’t stare and gawp at the idea that someone just wants to talk while waiting in line. Normalville has the same lack of staffing at restaurants, but the servers are still professional and work hard and provide strong service despite the limitations.

It’s really really really normal.  Can’t wait to live there full-time.

3 thoughts on “Life in Normalville

  1. I’ve read this post a couple times and held back leaving a comment, but now I’m kind of like oh #### it.

    People don’t want Normalville. They know who they are, and I bet a few of them will eventually encounter this post and read it, only to be perturbed and begin pearl-clutching by the suggestions that– gasp– children are part of the public sphere? People exercise restraint? People TALK!? What kind of “normal” is that? Certainly not the kind of normal that people who are more concerned and satisfied with their pursuit of comfort, pleasure, conveniences, and privacy at the expense of those who have to work backbreaking hours for #### pay, while the powers that be are more than happy to cover expenses for an abortion rather than offer better health insurance benefits, sick time, and working conditions. Nah, they don’t want that kind of normal, then those people might have CHILDREN, and they’ll cramp their style because society might actually prioritize families! And municipalities would have to prevent tent cities from forming near elementary schools and parks that children frequent. What would this world come to!?

    If I didn’t sound absolutely disgusted by the present state of society, then I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.

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    • We are moving to where people do want Normalville. It’s an area of the country that gave its kids as close to 2019 continuously as possible since 2020, including opening in the fall of 2020 mask-optional (and as far as I can see never requiring masks). It’s not Idaho, but there’s post-covid, post-2020, more of an understanding that work will have to be done to preserve what they still have big chunks of.

      We’ll see how it goes.

      Liked by 2 people

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